Collaboration with MD Consultancy…

We are delighted to announce a collaboration with MD Consultancy – this collaboration will not only provide a consistently high standard of tuition sessions but will last beyond each tutoring session with exceptional coaching by Merinda Di Rita.

At Rees Legal we are independent law tutors that can support you throughout your journey even if you are with a registered provider. Both of us have gone through the CILEX process, successfully qualifying in 2003. Between us we have over 50 years of working in the law and we use that knowledge to tailor our sessions for our students. We also have a combined 19 years of tutoring, training and mentoring law students. Every student is different and we understand that we need to differentiate those lessons to take this into account. This ties in with part of Merinda’s skills with her unique service and commitment to each and every student. Sarah and Simon both provide online 1-1 legal tuition in most areas of law for all law students whether they are on the CILEX (legacy or cpq), A Level, undergraduate or postgraduate route.

Merinda is an established study mentor/coach who has developed learning styles and methods that consistently work with her students and we are pleased to have her onboard to assist all of our students. Merinda will provide a 30 min planning consultation call with each of our students at no cost to assist them in getting started. Sometimes, it is learning how to learn that is the biggest hurdle and Merinda prides herself on her unique service. Together we are here to support every student. We have lots of exciting tools to develop and launch to help every student. Sarah and Simon will be launching revision workshops to focus on key areas of law alongside pre-release analysis workshops for the CILEX practice subjects. This will be enhanced by a bespoke planning call with Merinda to take place afterwards at a small additional cost.

We look forward to our new adventure!

#collaboration #lawtutor #study

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